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After finally saving up enough money to use as a down payment, I decided that it was time to hit the market. I met with a lender, got pre-approved for a loan, and then started visiting different properties. However, I quickly realized that I didn't know as much about real estate as I would have hoped. I wanted to find a great neighborhood and know what to ask the professionals, but I could tell that I needed a little help. To point me in the right direction, I started working with a great real estate agent who was familiar with the area. This blog is all about educating the general public on real estate matters.


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Learning More About Real Estate

Make Spring Cleaning More Manageable By Making It A Year Round Task

by Nathan Olson

Spring cleaning and clean up is an exasperating process that can add stress to the early warming months. After all, you may end up spending weeks at a time trapped indoors as the weather turns beautiful! Don't fall victim to this problem: streamline your spring cleaning process by making it a daily year-round process.

Break Tasks Down By Room

The easiest way to make your spring cleaning more manageable is to break up your tasks into separate rooms. In that way, you can focus on sorting through the clutter, organizing everything, throwing away junk, and cleaning each room in a focused and detailed manner. A typical spring cleaning checklist includes tasks in the:

  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Bathrooms
  • Garage
  • Outdoor areas

You'll find that storage areas, such as garages or attics, are among the hardest areas to clean because of their clutter. Honestly assess the items stored there, throw away things you don't need, and sort everything you keep into easy to understand sections.

Create A Day-To-Day Schedule

Once you've broken down your tasks by room, you should create a monthly cleaning calendar. Generally, you're going to want to tackle one room a week in order to ensure it gets enough attention. A good weekly schedule of cleaning should include:

  • Monday: cleaning the clutter from a specific room
  • Tuesday: vacuuming or sweeping the floor
  • Wednesday: mopping the floor
  • Thursday: dusting all counters
  • Friday: cleaning windows and walls in the room

Others areas to focus on include air vents, drapes, blinds, and door frames. Plenty of dust and debris gets trapped around these areas and quickly cleaning them can help ensure that they stay well maintained for the entire year.

Don't try to create a schedule off the top of your head or clean areas on the fly. Instead, print out a calendar specifically for cleaning and write each task down. Hang the calendar somewhere near your cleaning supplies to make it more obvious and easily accessible.

Return To Old Tasks When Necessary

While a half-hour to an hour should be all that you need for your daily cleaning, what happens to the stuff you've already cleaned? For example, if you dusted all your counters three weeks ago, they may need another dusting. That's okay: take an extra half-hour every day to check tasks you've already done.

In what order should you return to the tasks? Once you've finished a month's worth of tasks, it's probably a good idea to just start at the beginning of the list and move from there, day by day. You may not need to do any extra work, but if you do, it's not likely going to be more than an extra 10-15 minutes.

While it likely won't take you more than a month or two to clean your home, the recurring nature of this schedule can help keep your home clutter-free and clean year-round. In fact, you may be able to make spring cleaning a thing of the past.

To learn more about spring clean up, contact a company like Seabreeze Property Services
